537 Stanton Christiana Rd Newark, DE 19713

(302) 633-7550

How Frequently Should You See Your Dermatologist?

Everyone’s skin is unique. Certain individuals have more acne-prone skin or discoloration while others have wrinkles, skin damage, or dry skin. From diets and pollution to skincare products and their ingredients, there are numerous factors that can cause breakouts and other reactions in your skin. Even an increase of stress in your daily life can cause skin problems. Sometimes, at-home treatments and remedies can benefit your skin, but it might be worth your time to schedule a visit with your dermatologist.

A dermatologist can assist patients in figuring out what they’re doing right, what they’re doing wrong, and what they can do better when it comes to their skincare routine and daily habits that impact their skin’s health. Your dermatologist can also provide services such as moles and warts removal, knowledge on skin tag vs mole vs wart, acne prevention, and more. Visiting a dermatologist can be daunting; as there are many things to consider. Once you find one you like, it’s just a matter of planning how often you would like to go into their office.

For Acne

If you are starting to notice more breakouts, it’s probably time to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist in Delaware, like Premier Dermatology. We can aid you in figuring out what is causing your breakouts, treatments, and products~~.~~ We can also assist you in the creation of your skincare routine. For acne, we recommend annual visits, but this can be adjusted based on what your dermatologist determines is best for you and your skin.

For Moles and Warts Removal

Our dermatologists offer skin tag vs mole vs wart services as well, to ensure your skin is healthy and taken care of properly. We can treat all three, but there are major differences between these skin problems. If you find a spot on your body that doesn’t look normal to you, you can contact your dermatologist in Delaware to determine the next steps. Moles and warts removal can be done in-office and fairly quickly. Depending on the result of your removal, your dermatologist might have you come in once more after the procedure as a post-treatment appointment.

For Skin Impurities and Growth Removal

As we age, it’s typical to experience skin impurities such as sunspots, wrinkles, and texturization, and skin growths such as warts, moles, and skin tags. Many clients visit the Premier Dermatology office wondering the difference between a skin tag vs mole vs wart and are interested in moles and warts removal procedures. The simple solution is regardless of the type of skin growth or impurity, allowing a team of professional dermatologists such as ours at Premier Dermatology Middletown Delaware to inspect the growth or impurity and decide the best course of action to take to remove it.

Premier Dermatology | Dermatologist Middletown, DE

For those looking for moles and warts removal, a trip to Premier Dermatology will benefit your skin! We offer services such as the removal of moles and warts, facials, skin care products, and more. To learn more about our services, please visit our website.


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