537 Stanton Christiana Rd Newark, DE 19713

(302) 633-7550


What Ingredients Should NOT Be in Your Skincare Products

Choosing the right skincare products is paramount to pursuing healthy, radiant skin. However, not all ingredients are created equal; some may do more harm than good. At Premier Dermatology, our board-certified dermatologist in Delaware is committed to helping clients make informed decisions about their skincare routines. In this guide, we’ll highlight some common ingredients that […]

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The Negative Effects of Picking at Your Skin

Skin picking is a common but misunderstood habit that can harm your skin’s health and appearance. At Premier Dermatology, our board-certified dermatologist Middletown, DE, is committed to promoting healthy skincare habits and educating clients about the risks associated with skin picking. This guide will delve into the adverse effects of picking at your skin and […]

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Tips to Improve the Appearance of Your Skin Without Getting New Products

Your journey to radiant skin only sometimes demands a shelf full of new skincare products, but many changes are made without introducing a new product to your routine. Let’s explore some practical tips to elevate the appearance of your skin, from an acne extraction facial to adopting a healthy diet. At Premier Dermatology, attention to […]

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Skincare Myths Debunked

In the ever-evolving world of skincare, myths and misconceptions often lead us down the wrong path in our journey for radiant, healthy skin. Let our Delaware dermatology office debunk some of the most common skincare myths to set the record straight and empower you to make informed decisions about your skincare routine. Hot Water is […]

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6 Tips for Balancing Hormones to Help With Acne

Many people struggle with acne, and no matter the acne extraction treatment or skincare routine, imbalanced hormones can cause acne breakouts. Let our expert dermatologists in Delaware at Premier Dermatology explore some of our effective tips to help clients balance their hormones and pave the way for clearer skin. What causes hormonal acne? Hormonal acne […]

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Guide to Treating Back Acne

Back acne can be a source of discomfort and self-consciousness, but the good news is that effective treatments, like board-certified dermatologist extractions, are available. Premier Dermatology, your trusted skincare partner, understands the impact of back acne and is here to provide a comprehensive guide to help you achieve clearer and healthier skin. Learn practical tips […]

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Skincare Products You Should Never Mix

Constructing a skincare routine can be intimidating, especially if you need clarification on the ingredients. Consulting with a board-certified dermatologist Newark Delaware, is essential in developing a skincare routine that will work for your skin type, wants, and needs and ensuring you complete each step correctly. Premier Dermatology has provided a simple guide for beginners […]

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Skincare Routines for Different Age Groups

Caring for your skin and scheduling a skin consultation is crucial to help maintain a healthy and youthful appearance. Premier Dermatology understands that skincare needs to evolve with age. Let our dermatology and cosmetic surgery office guide you through tailored skincare routines for different age groups, ensuring you know how to achieve radiant and resilient […]

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What Stress Acne Looks Like and How to Treat It

Stress has become an inevitable part of daily life. Unfortunately, for many, stress doesn’t just impact mental well-being—it can also cause stress acne. Let our experts delve into the appearance of stress-induced acne and explore effective treatments, including the role of an acne extraction treatment offered by Premier Dermatology. What does stress acne look like? […]

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Acne Breakouts: Triggers and Treatments

Acne, a common skin condition affecting people of all ages, can be an unwelcome visitor that often leaves a trail of frustration. Let our dermatologist in Newark DE delve into the triggers of acne breakouts, explore effective treatments, and shed light on the practice of acne extraction performed by board-certified professionals from Premier Dermatology. Common […]

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Main Causes of Body Acne and How to Treat It

Body acne can be a persistent and frustrating concern for many. Knowing the causes and how to treat body acne is essential for clear skin. Whether adjusting your diet or receiving a professional acne extraction treatment, we are here to help. We know body acne can affect your confidence, especially during the warmer months when […]

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What Does Hormonal Acne Look Like?

When identifying hormonal acne, the jawline, chin, and neck are primary places where hormonal acne can pop up. Scheduling a skin consultation with help from a dermatologist Newark Delaware, we understand the nature of hormonal acne, what triggers it, and how to address it to achieve clear and healthy skin. Let our experts at Premier […]

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Back To Skincare Basics With Premier Dermatology

A board-certified dermatologist Newark Delaware will tell anyone that skincare is one of the most important things to keep radiant and healthy skin. In today’s world, the skincare industry can feel overwhelming, and some need help figuring out where to start on their path to clear and healthy skin. Our professionals at Premier Dermatology have broken down the skincare […]

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Popular Skincare Treatments During the Winter Months

When winter comes, our Newark Dermatology office knows how the crisp chill in the air can cause your skin to become incredibly dry and beg for hydration. Cold and dry air can strip our skin of its natural moisture and lead to dry, flaky, and irritated skin; no one wants that. Adapting your skincare routine […]

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The Key to Healthy Skin

Many go to a Newark dermatology with one thing in mind. They want to achieve healthy skin, but many avoid some key factors in keeping radiant and healthy skin. A proper diet, controlled stress levels, and understanding one’s skin type are three key factors that clients need to understand and implement to reach their skin […]

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Winter vs. Spring Skincare: The Ultimate Guide

As the season changes, having a proper skincare routine for each season is essential for your skin. Working with our Delaware dermatology can help you identify what products to avoid and what products to implement in your season-by-season skincare routine. Winter’s cold, dry air gives way to spring’s warmer, humid air, and our skin must […]

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Popular Skincare Treatments and Their Benefits

The world of skincare treatments is constantly evolving. Our Newark dermatology has many options for different skin concerns and desires. From chemical peels to professional extractions, there is something for everyone seeking clear, healthy, and radiant skin! Let our board-certified dermatologist Newark Delaware, walk you through some of the most popular skincare treatments Premier Dermatology […]

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The Basics to Washing Your Face

When consulting with a dermatologist Newark Delaware, our board-certified professionals address how washing one’s face is one of the most fundamental steps in a skincare routine. Not only does it remove dirt, oil, and impurities accumulated throughout the day, but it also lays the foundation for healthy and radiant skin. Our board-certified Newark dermatologist from […]

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Why Wearing Sunscreen Daily is Important

One of the most critical steps in a skincare routine is the final one, sunscreen! Premier Dermatology, a qualified Dermatologist Newark DE, can’t stress enough the importance of implementing sunscreen into your everyday routine. Even if it’s thunder storming outside or peak winter, your sunscreen should never take a day off! Importance of Wearing Sunscreen […]

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How To Prevent Breakouts

Waking up in the morning and noticing a new breakout on your face can be frustrating! With the help of a dermatologist Delaware, our professionals at Premier Dermatology will provide tips to help clients prevent future breakouts and ensure a client’s skin is glowing and acne free. Achieve clear, radiant skin with these tips! Tips […]

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