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Do’s and Don’t’s of Exfoliation

The exfoliation process is a significant and often forgotten step in the skincare process. It is usually done to get rid of dead skin, excess oils, and dirt that can accumulate in the pores and on the skin. Different types of exfoliation can be done at home or with the best dermatologist in Delaware, like Premier Dermatology. Before getting started with your newfound skincare products, here are a few do’s and don’t’s of exfoliation to keep in mind.

Do: Be Gentle With Your Skin

Even if you don’t have sensitive skin, your skin is still susceptible to injury if exfoliation is done incorrectly. You don’t need to use a rough physical exfoliator to get into all of the crevices and creases of the skin! Scrubbing too hard or using an exfoliator that is too harsh for your skin can cause micro-abrasions, causing breakouts. Your dermatologist in Delaware can get you started with some tips and ingredients to look for for your specific skin type!

Don’t: Overexfoliate

While you might want to have glowing, freshly-exfoliated skin every day, over-exfoliating can cause damage to your skin and its natural barrier. Exfoliation should only occur once or twice a week and always moisturize afterward! This provides your fresh new skin with moisture and protection from the elements.

Do: Find A Treatment That’s Right For Your Skin

Both physical and chemical exfoliators have their pros and cons, but certain individuals have a preference or have more sensitive skin. Finding the right exfoliator for your skin can take some trial and error, but regardless of what kind you use, it’s important to remember to take care of your skin and speak with a dermatologist in Delaware to decipher which products you should and should not use.

Don’t: Exfoliate After A Treatment

If you visit the best dermatologist in Delaware for a facial or other treatment, it’s important to remember not to exfoliate for at least a few days to a week after. The treatment will already be working in your skin and extra exfoliation or treatments could be detrimental to your skin. Treatments also include waxing!

Do: Exfoliate Your Body

Exfoliating isn’t just good for getting rid of excess grime and oils on your face; it can be beneficial for the rest of your body as well! Back acne, also called bacne, can arise when pores on the back, chest, and shoulders become clogged. An easy way to avoid these breakouts is to exfoliate these areas along with the rest of your face. You can also exfoliate your legs and underarms if you’re looking for a closer shave.

Don’t: Forget to Wear Sunscreen and Moisturize

Exfoliation is best done at night before bed so your skin has time to rest before taking on the day. After exfoliating, it’s important to remember to moisturize your skin that night and wear sunscreen the next day. Post-exfoliation skin is more sensitive than usual, so taking care of it by using products and tips from the best dermatologist in Delaware is imperative to keep your skin glowing and youthful for longer.

Premier Dermatology | Best Dermatologist in Delaware

If you’re looking for a new dermatologist, look no further! Premier Dermatology is the best dermatologist in Delaware and we are happy to assist you with any of your skincare needs. For more information about our services, please visit our website.


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