Tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, involves removing excess skin and fat from the lower part of your abdomen and providing a slimmer, more youthful appearing abdomen by tightening the “six-pack” or rectus muscles and usually involves liposuction to the hips to help blend in the result. A typical scar is well hidden under underwear or a bikini and there is also a small incision around the belly button as well. Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia or deep anesthesia in the operating room. Patients may either go home the same day or stay overnight for one evening. It is important upon going home that the patient walk several times a day and wear a gentle compression wrap around the waist to help support the abdomen while incisions are healing. Usually, the patient follows up one week after surgery and at this time you can stop wearing the abdominal garment. Depending upon the particular case, some patients require a drain postoperatively which is removed at the one-week visit. There are usually no sutures to remove and patients are typically back to work within seven to ten days and should refrain from heavy lifting for six weeks; however, light exercise is usually permitted after three to four weeks. As always, walking is encouraged throughout the recovery process
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